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SIIRA Cultural Mission is a community of Executive Partners concerned with strategic research, development, and applications related to executive Administration, Finance, Law, Technology, and Operations. Executive Partners join together to move from ideas, to funding, to implementation, and evaluation. Certification of Executive Partners are obtained from the creation and implementation of relevant project models and applications.
Applications of Teaching are a wide variety of instructional models, theories, and applications, designed to constructively build effective learning objects. Applications of Teaching contributes to the development of programs designed societal improvement through educational advancement.
Organizational Representatives are certified representatives that are available to join into projects that are created through Executive Partners and Applications of Teaching. These Organizational Representatives will provide a diverse set of knowledge, resources, tools, and opportunities to projects designed to improve society through educatational advancement.
Individual Certificate Courses
Individual Certificate Courses provide basic foundational requirements for Organizational Representatives, Instructional Technologists, and Executive Partners. All CC's cover any disciplinary specialties, provide basic principles of understanding for any subject or purpose, and must be developed through the process of 1) Executive Partners, 2) Applications of Teaching, and 3) Organizational Representatives.